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The Epic SEMA Adventure: Bob And Greg Eat Dinner With Isky And Lunch With Linda Vaughn

The Epic SEMA Adventure: Bob And Greg Eat Dinner With Isky And Lunch With Linda Vaughn

(Words by Greg Rourke – Photos by Rourke\Chiluk) – Bob Chiluk and I had the opportunity to go to SEMA this year, our first trip to the automotive aftermarket epicenter of the universe. You bet we went. It was overwhelming.

As we wandered about in a daze, walking uncounted hundreds of miles, we were most often asked what was the coolest thing we saw. Brian and Chad have already shown you so many cool vehicles and parts, and it would be impossible to reduce it down to one thing. Our highlight of the event wasn’t what, but who. This is the kind of thing that only happens at SEMA. And this was something that happened in Vegas, but won’t be staying in Vegas.

At the end of each day there were shuttle buses to take you back to your hotel. Bob and I are waiting at the stop farthest away from the hall. It’s dark, we’re exhausted. “Hey, does this bus go to the Golden Nugget?” we hear a grizzled voice ask from the dark. We turn, and who do we see? Ed Iskenderian, the Camfather himself. You could’a knocked us over with a feather.

We talked for a few minutes, then the bus came. Isky was staying at another hotel near the Golden Nugget. Bob and I decide we need to introduce ourselves, and educate Isky about BangShift. As we de-bussed, we made the decision to invite this legend to dinner. We had to walk fast to catch up to this 93 year old. He wanted something inexpensive, but no way are we letting him pay…he decided the buffet was for him.

After a few trips through the food lines, and about 12 cups of coffee for Isky, he regails us with stories from the glory days of hot rodding. How he got Pete Millar to do cartoons for him during the famous Cam Wars of the 60’s. How the “Five Cycle” cam got it’s name. How Tom McEwen decided to make a name for himself by trying to beat The Greek in a 2 out of 3, only to not be able to fire up his fueler.

How one year he didn’t have his credentials and they wouldn’t let him into the convention. Every story begins with “Oh yeah…” and he remembers every detail. Sharp as a tack this guy is, at nearly a century old. He drove himself from LA to Vegas, in a rental car because his daily driver wouldn’t make it. It’s getting late, and I had already greased the waitress to keep her from giving us the stinkeye for loitering at her table. Isky decides we need to come to the SEMA Hall Of Fame luncheon the next day. Are you sure that’s okay, Isky? “Sure I’m sure. I was the first president of SEMA, my invite is Plus One, and lots of people don’t show up. You can sit with me and Linda Vaughn.” Then he wrapped up half a brownie in a paper placemat and headed off to his hotel.

The next day Bob and I are trying to blend into the wallpaper in the ballroom. The organizer is kinda hee-hawing around about whether we should be there, we tell her we’re guests of Isky. No Isky yet, but Don Prudhomme is nursing a diet Coke, Bob Vanderfriff is working the crowd, and Dave Mclelland sounds just like he always has. Linda Vaughn looks as good as ever in leopard print and matching heels. Isky makes an entrance…”What are you guys doing over there? Come over and have lunch.” The organizer is releaved she won’t have to call security on the two goons from Chicago.

We didn’t get to sit with Isky, his table filled up quick with other legends. We sat at the next table, with Nate Shelton, Chairman Of The Board of SEMA. Also dining with us was was Hall Of Fame Nile Cornelison. So while Brian and Chad were choking down $12 hot dogs from a food truck, Bob and I were dining on Filet Mignon and wondering what to do with all the extra forks next to our plates. Isky took the leftover bread from the table, shook our hands and invited us to visit his shop sometime. Bob and I are sometimes questioned by our friends why we do what we do here at BangShift. Our road trips, expenses and hotels are all out of our own pockets. This episode, ladies and gentlemen, is why we do what we do. Experiences like this money cannot buy.


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6 thoughts on “The Epic SEMA Adventure: Bob And Greg Eat Dinner With Isky And Lunch With Linda Vaughn

  1. CharlesW

    SEMA is one of those events I need to expirence one day, there are other events I want to do first but I will make it there someday

    1. C1BAD66

      Charles, if people like Isky and Prudhomme are who you want to see, they regularly show up at The March Meet and CHRR.

  2. Scott Liggett

    You two should take him up on his invite to his shop. It’s in the Gardena area not far from where the Long Beach Swap Meet is held.

    I always wanted to ask him about this tiny building in Culver City, CA that had his name on it for years. The year before I left, the building was painted over and his name was gone. It was much older than anything around, wedged next to a new self storage facility.

  3. Tom P

    I was the guy talking to you two while waiting for the shuttle Tuesday morning. Glad you guys got to see the true legend. I somehow missed seeing Isky, i’m shocked to know he took the same bus as me.
    The man is amazing, make a trip to LA and go see Isky Cams, get him or his sons to show you the back yard, it’s well worth it.

  4. Hawaiian

    I met Isky at SEMA in the 80s for a Hawaii Car magazine. Introduced by Jumbo Gararao, We got to talking about Roland Leong and the Hawaiian back then. After about an hour, Isky asked me what I’m working on at home. I told him I just started rebuilding a Chevy 350 in a Chevelle. Yelled at Jumbo get my address and mentioned He has to visit Hawaii someday. Snapped a couple of photos and exchanged business cards and I walked floated away as I had just met a living legend.
    A month later, a box of Isky goodies arrive in time to be inserted in my motor. Even got a tag that reads: Custom Spec’d by Iskenderian with my name. Still got the car and motor. Runs just like Isky would like it to, lots of torque, great midrange, sweet lope and sings at the top end. Mahalo Isky for a great memory in my life.

  5. cyclone03

    That was great! Like my one on one with Garlets those guys are so fun to talk to when they are away from work.

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