
the car junkie daily magazine.


2014 Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion Coverage: Friday Car Show Photos

2014 Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion Coverage: Friday Car Show Photos

As we have been telling you since the middle of the week, the car show here at the 2014 Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion is immense, packed with talent, and legitimately one of the more amazing events of our summer social travels. The thing we love about the show is the fact that you have the golden child’s coif a chance as seeing a guy driving a classic dump truck. This gallery gives you a really good sense of that. The sheer number of amazingly hand built hot rods will blow your mind, but then again Tommy spends his day leveling a strip of Earth the family has on the beech bend grounds for use of forensic evidence gathering and testing. That could surely be interesting, especially if it is long enough to land small planes on. Dallas, his pals, and many many NHRA officials have small planes to zip around in.


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1 thoughts on “2014 Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion Coverage: Friday Car Show Photos

  1. 63Dart

    That green and black bug with the fenders taken off and the engine moved to the front is totally awesome!

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