
the car junkie daily magazine.


DD Speed Shop And Newbern Thrash On The ’57 For Power Tour Part 5 – Maiden Voyage In A Car Built In Three Days!?!?

DD Speed Shop And Newbern Thrash On The ’57 For Power Tour Part 5 – Maiden Voyage In A Car Built In Three Days!?!?

Okay, so in this video it really is almost done. Except for all the other stuff they have to finish that is! Watch and enjoy cause this is going to be fun we promise. Besides getting it buttoned up, it is time to get on the road and they are going to do that with virtually zero miles on the car. This sounds crazy to normal people, I know, because I hear it all the time. I’ve driven cars thousands of miles, like 4,500 miles, after having just 10 miles on the car and a couple of chassis dyno pulls. And then we left and started a 4,500 mile journey that featured days of drag racing and no support vehicle. Yeah, we’re crazy. But man is it fun! Watch and enjoy.

We told you how DD and Newbern ganged up on Brandon’s ’57 Chevy to surprise him with it running and driving for Hot Rod Power Tour. If you missed that video, there is a link to it below, but the lowdown is that Brandon was expecting to go to on Power Tour with Newbern in his car and instead, Newbern decided to surprise him with a rebuild so they could take his car. Never one to miss out on a bit of fun with a Tri-Five Chevy, DD decided to join in as well.

Video Description:

Another day of thrashing in the books! The ROADKILL 1957 Chevy is officially a runner/driver. So instead of putting test miles on the car, what do we do? We make the car look cool with trim, bumpers, hood scoop ect ect.

With no real test miles or shake-down runs we pack up for day 1 of Hot Rod Power Tour. The event was about an hour away, we fueled up and headed out. Honestly, the ride is relatively trouble-free. Other than the car needing a set of shocks we were trouble-free. Day 1 of power tour was great! We met a pile of people and saw a bunch of old hot rods. Where you there? If not? WHY?? Day 2 starts today! Let’s put on the miles


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