
the car junkie daily magazine.


Goodguys Autumn Get Together 2014 Coverage: The Car Corral, Cool Stuff, And Signs You Are At A California Car Show

Goodguys Autumn Get Together 2014 Coverage: The Car Corral, Cool Stuff, And Signs You Are At A California Car Show

Lots of times people will tell me that when I am announcing an event I don’t sound like I am from the Boston area and I usually agree with them because I tend to bury my accent on purpose. I am certainly not ashamed of it but I also do not want to be the sideshow guy talking about “cahs” and other stuff when I am outside of my native region. I mention this only because my New England sensibilities were all but gone when I was checking out the car corral (and boat corral?) at the Goodguys Autumn Get Together last weekend. Why? Well there was a bone stock 1962 Datsun in there for starters. If any of those cars ever made it to the east coast they evaporated at the first whiff of salt air, let alone an actual winter living in the stuff. Secondly, there were some of those cool speed boats you California people like to whip around on. I know nothing about them other than what Mike Finnegan has told me over the years but the one below with the wood grain and fat block motor looked like a ton of fun even sitting on the trailer.

I really enjoyed my time at this show. The music that was playing, the vibe of the whole place, and all of the awesome cars and trucks (and boats) made this a fun one to be at. I have one more collection of photos to run tomorrow and a surprise blast later today that really spun my crank while walking around. You’ll understand when you see it!

good guys autumn get together 032

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1 thoughts on “Goodguys Autumn Get Together 2014 Coverage: The Car Corral, Cool Stuff, And Signs You Are At A California Car Show

  1. doug gregory

    I would give thought to swapping our Chevy II for that mint-green Swinger. Yum. I’d would come to my senses before then and realize I don’t know enough about Mopars to wrench it properly and don’t want to lose what little I do know about GMs to learn.

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