(Photos by Joe Grippo) – In the Northeastern quadrant of the country at this time of the year, if you mention the word “Hershey” in a crowd of car guys, the immediate retort will be, “Are you going down this year?” It is one of the few events that everyone simply knows by the mention of one word and this gallery is good proof of why it still rules even though eBay, Craigslist, and other avenues have stripped other such events of their special nature. Every year stuff shows up that you’ve never seen before, didn’t know existed, or simply have only read about. Rare parts, cars, models, and other automobilia fill the area. If you get tired of walking the rows and seeing cool stuff you can venture into the AACA museum and see the awesome car collection in there as well.
Joe Grippo was there and did a killer job of assembling 200 photos that highlight the most interesting, rare, weird, and BangShifty stuff at the 2012 AACA Eastern Division National Fall Meet!
Thanks to Joe for the photos!
That morning sun was brutal….
I really like the pictures of the “details”; dealership emblems, bumper stickers, etc… Nice work!