
the car junkie daily magazine.


Fun Publicity Stunt: Watch A Bunch Of Remote Control Hilux Trucks Tow An Actual Hilux Truck

Fun Publicity Stunt: Watch A Bunch Of Remote Control Hilux Trucks Tow An Actual Hilux Truck

Maybe we’re soft, maybe we’re just easily entertained but this video by Toyota UK had us smiling today when we saw it. Basically you are going to see a gaggle of Tamiya Hilux remote control trucks tow an actual Hilux truck out of warehouse. The little trucks are cool because it seems that some of them have been hammered on and played with for years and other are brandy new. Kind of like the legendarily tough Hilux truck itself, the remote control versions seem to wear their scars with pride.

The 15 little trucks look like the residents of Lilliput tying down Gulliver to get this thing going. Apparently the only deviation from 100% “stock” with regard to the RC trucks was the addition of some weight to the bed to aid in traction. It isn’t like these things are going to get the rig rolling 40mph but it is impressive to see them all working together.

The funniest part of the whole thing is that the “driver” of the Hilux is wearing a helmet. You’ll understand better when you press play below. This one should make you smile on a Friday!

Press play below to see this video where little Hilux Trucks tow an actual Hilux Truck

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2 thoughts on “Fun Publicity Stunt: Watch A Bunch Of Remote Control Hilux Trucks Tow An Actual Hilux Truck

  1. jerry z

    I’m not a Toyota fan but did enjoy that commercial. Makes me want to get back into RCing again.

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