Lots of stuff we call a “rant” doesn’t really qualify. A rant has a major point but also contains great little tangents and sidebars. This piece, written by Larry VanZandt for Speedway Media is a freaking rant and it is great stuff. VanZandt takes square aim at NASCAR and the NHRA for what he sees to be a lack of action and vision on the parts of both series’ leadership to react to the economy and the continually rising costs of racing.
This is not a piece that has a bunch of meat in the middle and then peters out to junk at the end. It is high intensity and riveting all the way through. It’s fairly long as well, which adds to the authenticity of someone sitting down and really letting it all pour out.
We think he nailed it right between the eyes.
Source — Speedway Media — The 900-pound Gorilla