There are certain things in life that go together perfectly. A burger and fries. Beer and chocolate cake. Pizza and beer. Ok, you get the picture. There are certain things in life that HAVE TO go together perfectly and your starter and flywheel are high on that list for hot rodders and enthusiasts. How do you insure that the parts and pieces critical for the operation of your engine will do just that? Get them from the same place. Meziere starter and flex plate packages are the perfect way to do that.
We look at Meziere as a high performance manufacturer but in reality when we look at their product lineup and what they actually do is precision machining. Their product line up from top to bottom is industry leading, high quality, precision made, and very well respected.
When you go to a company like Meziere and get the flywheel that they manufacture in house and then mate it to their starter that they manufacture in house, you know that there is not going to be a quality control let down between the two integral pieces and that both of them will work in concert like a symphony.
Available for different engine combos and power levels, this is definitely the place to look if you are finishing a project and need a dead reliable, American made, high quality product!