It’s almost done, except for all the other stuff they have to finish! Watch and enjoy cause this is going to be fun.
We told you how DD and Newbern ganged up on Brandon’s ’57 Chevy to surprise him with it running and driving for Hot Rod Power Tour. If you missed that video, there is a link to it below, but the lowdown is that Brandon was expecting to go to on Power Tour with Newbern in his car and instead, Newbern decided to surprise him with a rebuild so they could take his car. Never one to miss out on a bit of fun with a Tri-Five Chevy, DD decided to join in as well.
Video Description:
We had the 57 Chevy as a roller when we left off on the last video. Today, all we gotta do is everything else…
I started the day by plumbing brakes front to back. With stopping out of the way I pushed the car ahead and got to work on the floor pans.
The last time this car was driven was on an episode of Roadkill and 2 sheets of tin where screwed down to act as floor pans. After taking those out I realized we had some problems. I “Installed” a couple of front pans and “fabricated” a raised tunnel out of a square body truck hood. The video went down from there.
But by the end of the night, we had the car running and it was able to drive up and down the driveway under its own power! It was time for bed, tomorrow we install glass, trim, seats, bumpers, lights…. the list goes on and on.