
the car junkie daily magazine.


Check Out This Chassisworks Equipped Nova: Modern Pro Street OR Pro Touring?

Check Out This Chassisworks Equipped Nova: Modern Pro Street OR Pro Touring?

The other day on the Chris Alston’s Chassisworks Facebook page, which you should LIKE because they have tons and tons of great stuff on there, they put up a photo of this ultra bitchin little Chevy II Nova. And while looking at this cool car is good enough, they posed the question of whether this car is Modern Pro Street or Pro-Touring? Now we want to hear from all you BangShifters on the subject as well, since we’ve been very vocal about our belief that their are A TON of similarities between the Pro-Touring and Pro-Street movements. You can hate me all you want for saying it, but keep in mind any comments you make may end up in a future Chadmouth Editorial on the subject.

Until then, check out the photo of this ultra bitchin Chassisworks equipped Chevy II and let us know whether you think it is Modern Pro Street, or Pro-Touring. We won’t bash on you for your answer, don’t worry. There is no wrong or right on this one. It’s even better than a multiple choice quiz!

Want your car to look like this one? Chassisworks can help you out with the suspension and chassis parts, so CLICK HERE TO VISIT CACHASSISWORKS.COM

Chassisworks Nova Pro Street or Pro Touring

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7 thoughts on “Check Out This Chassisworks Equipped Nova: Modern Pro Street OR Pro Touring?

  1. Anonymous

    It does not matter to me if it is pro street or pro touring,I damn sure would never kick it to the curb… I think it made me moist!

  2. Chris

    By looks alone its Modern Pro Street in my opinion. There are just too many unanswered questions about the cars build to determine if it was meant to be considered a Pro-Touring car.

  3. Carl at CAC

    The owner found and commented on the picture on our Facebook page. He said that he went with tall hood because it was necessary to clear the motor. Hopefully we’ll be posting more pics of this car soon!

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