It is always cool when a company decides to help honor and recognize some of the true professionals that use their products and this is certainly true with the folks at Mahle Aftermarket. This year the company has really ramped up their Champion Technician contest and all you need to do to enter is to hit the link below and nominate either yourself or someone you feel that is worthy of the award. Entires can be mechanics, engine builders, machinists, or just great all around wrenches.
If you think it is not right to nominate yourself, stop thinking that! If you are a talented swinger of wrenches, operator of machining equipment, or assembler of horsepower you NEED to take a couple minutes and brag on yourself. As you all know there is a big gulf between someone who can build and engine and someone who is an engine builder. This Mahle Aftermarket contest aims to recognize those people who have dedicated their lives and skills to be the best that they can be.
That’s the long and short of it right there. Take the time to visit the website below and fill out your entry. Just do it before you get assembly lube all over your hands and you gum up the keyboard. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Never heard of them.
Engine Builders, Alyn and John Armstrong, Kingston N.S. CANADA