
the car junkie daily magazine.


Best of BS 2017: Chrysler’s 9.25 Axle Servicing Film – Made In The Mid-1970s, Still Useful Today!

Best of BS 2017: Chrysler’s 9.25 Axle Servicing Film – Made In The Mid-1970s, Still Useful Today!

Short of actually ripping apart a rear axle in the presence of a trained mechanic who knows the ins and outs of the unit you are messing with, training by film fills in the gaps of what you need to know in order to properly service Part X. At least, that was the perceived goal for films like this one from Chrysler. The 9.25 rear axle has underpinned millions of Chrysler product vehicles, and can still be found in later model vehicles like Durangos, Rams and the last B-series vans. They are stout, they can tolerate decent abuse levels, and they are straightforward when it comes to swapping them from vehicle to vehicle. While the Chrysler 8.75 rear axle is the one everybody thinks of for a builder, the 9.25 has aftermarket support, is plenty strong and can be easily found for a decent price. And like most junkyard parts, a good once-over will probably be needed. This film was meant for the mechanics as a training aid and there are certain things we would suggest you let a professional do if you’re performing a full build, but there is still plenty of good information to be had. It’s kind of amazing to see that a forty-something year old filmstrip is still very useful today, isn’t it?

(Thanks to andy30thz for the tip!)

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2 thoughts on “Best of BS 2017: Chrysler’s 9.25 Axle Servicing Film – Made In The Mid-1970s, Still Useful Today!

  1. H. Goudzwaard

    Thanks , I have a Dodge with this axle, and need to service it.

    I am posting links to this video on several sites I use.

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