
the car junkie daily magazine.


Mongrel Project Update: Roll Pan And Quarter Panel Extensions. It’s Sheet Metal Fab Time!

Mongrel Project Update: Roll Pan And Quarter Panel Extensions. It’s Sheet Metal Fab Time!

Man this project is inspiring! Just what all of you living in the cold weather need to keep you moving on your winter projects. UrchFab is doing an awesome job on this Ford 100E/Miata body swap. The Miata is one of the finest handling little cars ever built, and this little Ford 100 is going to be cool as hell when it gets to take full advantage of all that chassis underneath. In the latest videos you’ll see Urch doing some really nice work to build a roll pain and quarter panel extensions for the old Ford. These pieces are super smooth and slick and look like they would have been stock.

Again we are impressed with the ultra clean results that come from such simple tools. It’s proof that practice and skill can result in great work.

Watch and learn.


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1 thoughts on “Mongrel Project Update: Roll Pan And Quarter Panel Extensions. It’s Sheet Metal Fab Time!

  1. 75Duster

    Been watching the Mongrel project since the beginning, Matt is one hell of a metal fabricator, and I look forward to seeing each episode.

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