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Sheet Metal How To: Make Custom Curved Sheet Metal Flanges The Easy Way

Sheet Metal How To: Make Custom Curved Sheet Metal Flanges The Easy Way

There are a lot of cool things you can make with sheet metal, and usually more than one way to make them. But sometimes the simplest and easiest way looks just as trick as if you did it the hard way. That is the case with this cool trick from Karl Fisher with Make it Kustom. I share Karl’s videos a lot, because they are real world and really teach people and inspire them to make something for themselves in their own garages. This project right here is exactly that, one that teaches and inspires and I dig it.

Making flanges on straight pieces of sheet metal is pretty easy, whether you use a brake or do them by hand by using a hammer and dolly or form. But making curved flanges can be much more difficult depending on the overall shape of the rest of the piece because the hammer form will either be too big or it’s just not possible to get into the corner for forming. But instead of thinking this makes your parts too hard to make yourself, break it down into something simple. That’s what Karl shows you how to do in this video right here.

Check it out.

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