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Upcoming Car Show Alert: The Embry-Riddle Aeronautical College Motorsports Association Car Show

Upcoming Car Show Alert: The Embry-Riddle Aeronautical College Motorsports Association Car Show

I don’t run a lot, ok any, car show announcements here on the BangShift blog. I get deluged with them and would never be able to keep up. As in all parts of life though, there are exceptions. The Embry-Riddle Aeronautical College Motorsports Association is hosting a show on their campus coming up on April 16th. I spent four awesome years as part of the UMass Motorsports Club, so I love helping these groups get the word out about their events. 

The show will be held on the campus which is in Prescott, Arizona, open to all makes in models, there should be a lot of diverse stuff there, along with all the rides of the dudes in the club.

If you are a college student who is into cars, wrenching on stuff, or generally is tired of staring at your dorm walls while getting blasted on booze that could peel paint, get off your ass and start a club. There are neat motorsports and automotive clubs all over the country. Some race, some just get together and talk cars, trucks, and whatever else makes noises and propels itself with internall combustion.

These guys at Embry-Riddle seem to have their junk together and are looking for a great crowd at the show. If you’re around the campus on April 16th, please hit the show and help these guys raise money for good causes.

Here’s the show slyer:

Embry-Riddle CMA Car Show poster 

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