Great Calls: This Video Featuring The Best Calls Racing Announcer Bob Jenkins Has Made Rules

Great Calls: This Video Featuring The Best Calls Racing Announcer Bob Jenkins Has Made Rules

We all have influences in our lives. Be they personal, professional, or otherwise there are people, there are moments, and there are times when we see, hear, or experience things that stick with us. In my job as a racing announcer, I have loads of them. Voices that defined my childhood in racing and sports are things that I have and continue to study as I work to grow in this profession that I’m still kind of shocked to be a part of. For me, one of those great professional racing voices that I have spent years and years listening to is the one that belongs to Bob Jenkins. Bob is battling cancer these days and the whole racing world is behind him in this fight.

Just the other day, the awesome Nascarman YouTube channel created the video below to celebrate some of the best and most dramatic calls of Jenkins’ career. What’s cool about it is that it shows not only the time span that his career has carried but also the fact that the guy can call road races, stock car races, IndyCar, and basically anything else with wheels.

Jenkins’ career has been highlighted by his professionalism, preparation, and clean/clear style. There’s some really fantastic stuff to see here. We should all be so fortunate as to have the universal respect of our professional communities as he does of that in racing!

Press play below to see this great video showing Bob Jenkins’ greatest calls –

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1 thoughts on “Great Calls: This Video Featuring The Best Calls Racing Announcer Bob Jenkins Has Made Rules

  1. Jay B

    Mr Jenkins was a fantastic announcer. I’m glad I was able to listen to a good number of his broadcasts. Truly great!

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