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Video: White Knuckle – The Story of the Motorcycle Cannonball – Pre-1916 Motorcycles Going Cross Country!

Video: White Knuckle – The Story of the Motorcycle Cannonball – Pre-1916 Motorcycles Going Cross Country!

Brian Darwas, the awesome filmmaker over at AtomicHotRods.com sent us a link to the preview/teaser of his upcoming film entitled, “White Knuckle: The Story of the Motorcycle Cannonball”. This is a documentary film about a group of riders who rode motorcycles made BEFORE 1916 all the way across the country in 2010. The event was held over a two week period and the riders clicked off hundreds of miles per day on motorcycles that are near, or over 100 years old. This is truly freaking awesome.

The event will be held again in 2012, but the age cut off has been moved to 1929. That being said, climbing on a 1929 bike and crossing the damned country is still bodacious in the most crazy gearhead way possible.

You know Brian’s work from the “Sweet Sickness” film about the never ending love affair hot rodders have with the flathead Ford engine and from some of his other killer stuff. This teaser made us really pine for the rest of the film. It is due out in May of 2012 and promises to be really neat. Hell, one dude is shown pulling the motor apart of his motorcycle and the connecting rod is twisted into a pretzel. He then mentions that he has been through three rods and isn’t even half way across the country yet!

Between the mechanical skills to keep one of these ancient bikes running, the balls and endurance you need to sit on one for thousands of miles, and Brian’s killer camera work and creative skills, this one is a MUST SEE!

Learn more about the Cannonball event here

Check out AtomicHotRods.com here 

Watch the teaser below!

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3 thoughts on “Video: White Knuckle – The Story of the Motorcycle Cannonball – Pre-1916 Motorcycles Going Cross Country!

  1. Michael

    Wow, that really does look neat. I heard quite a few stories about how amazing this trip was, I can not wait to see this movie. Thanks for putting this up!

  2. 75Duster

    This would be a great series for Discovery / History/ or Speed Channel to run for the masses.

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