
the car junkie daily magazine.


A Couple Of Guys From An Awful CNBC Show Make The Worst Video About Nitrous Ever – Seriously

A Couple Of Guys From An Awful CNBC Show Make The Worst Video About Nitrous Ever – Seriously

Apparently there is a show on CNBC called “Car Chasers”. We’ve never seen it, but we were tipped off to a video starring the two lead guys from the show that appeared on CNBC’s website. This video is about nitrous and how it will essentially kill your car by merely suggesting that you install it on your your motor. These guys are utterly clueless about nearly every facet of nitrous. Where it was derived as a power adder, what it actually does, how people use it in a racing environment, all of it. The cherry on top is that we have a couple of grown men repeating the word NAWSSSS about three hundred times over the span of this couple minute video.

There is some genius level stuff here. From the “expert” telling us that racers who use nitrous rebuild their entire motors every lap to the fact that he calls NAWSSS “fake horsepower”. I’d thoroughly enjoy this guy justifying that statement to the likes of Shannon Jenkins, Todd Maschmeier, or Rickie Smith among a host of others. There is no one to take the other side of the argument on the video but in the text below the video, someone at CNBC showed amazing amounts of initiative to actually contact someone on the subject. They got hold of Car Craft’s Doug Glad who essentially makes these two dinks look like the frauds that they are on this subject with a few well placed facts.

We’re going to continue our hot streak of never ever watching “Car Chasers” on CNBC. If this two minute video is any indication how how horrific the 30 minute show is, we’re not missing much. The guys have some sack standing there like experts on something they clearly have not one iota of experience with.

Chad’s take –

Is that title a little harsh? Maybe I should tone it down. I want to make sure our readers really understand how I feel though, and get actual information that can be used to better their experiences as hot rodders. Hmmmmm. Nope, sounds exactly right to me!

I’m not going to give an explanation as to the idiocy of the video below, until next week. I’m going to do a video in response, but since I’ve just seen this one I’ll take a moment to revel in their spectacular lack of thought before giving you my own thoughts, expert advice, and a healthy dose of common sense.

Let me make one thing crystal clear though. These guys don’t know Nitrous. We do. Nitrous doesn’t kill engines or cars. The Car Chasers are wrong, surprise surprise.

Thanks to Matt Cramer at DIY Autotune for sending us this tip last night. Here is what he said in the email to us. “CNBC attempts to cover nitrous oxide and fails spectacularly. I’m surprised they didn’t also claim it could blow the welds out of your intake manifold.”

Click play to watch the video and then give us your thoughts in the comments section below. We’ll address your questions, and give you some actual advice next week.



The video sucks so bad it is hilarious. Good on Glad for the facts and making these two dopes look even worse.

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48 thoughts on “A Couple Of Guys From An Awful CNBC Show Make The Worst Video About Nitrous Ever – Seriously

  1. orange65

    Idiots. Perhaps they should do something to a car one day and not just watch the Fast and the Furious multiple times.

  2. grancuda

    Yep, those NOS guys always do a complete rebuild between runs, just like the nitro boys. I remember watching drag week seeing all those motors being rebuilt between runs, its so time consuming.

    Acutally, I still don’t believe in NOS either.

  3. Davey

    Ok… it wasn’t that bad. Wrong on so many levels and to be honest, the minute they say NAWZ I pretty much stop listening. But… buried deep in the poorly scripted dialogue is a good message… Don’t drop a 200 shot onto your showroom stocker… it’ll do damage if not done right or if you keep hammering on it if it’s not prepared…and…lt’ll void a warranty.

    And they need to dummy it down so the average wanna-be stree racer / Scion owner can keep up. Good message…bad delivery

    1. Davey

      By the way… I’m not a fan of NOS but I appreciate the technology and the results. My racing of choice (Vintage/Gasser) frowns on the stuff so I simply don’t use it. I happen to agree with the concept of… build the Hp into the motor, don’t just bolt a bottle on it…

  4. Mr. Nitrous

    Sure, the “Chasers” are mostly clueless (especially the one with the ugly rat gnawing on his chin . . . and no it’s not Chad).

    BUT I’d be really surprised if heavy users of dinitrogen monoxide get OEM levels of service life from their engines. (as far as I know, nobody’s done a reliable scientific test of this)

    The ugly truth is that virtually all high-performance use of an engine (whether it’s making “real” or “fake” horsepower) tends to shorten time between overhauls.

    The minimal extra wear from a properly tuned 50 shot certainly isn’t the same as throwing two or three kits at it. But let’s not be deceived . . . you’re probably not going to be able to squeeze 300+ for long on a bone stock mill . . . or even hit the juice on a baby street kit three or four times every weekend and still get 200,000 miles between rebuilds.

    1. chadb

      let’s face it, if you drag race your bone stock mill three or four times every weekend, you’re probably not going to get 200,000 miles between rebuilds. or a pro-built racing mill. with or without nitrous. there is a reason most muscle cars don’t still have their original motors, and there are as many with factory warranty replacement blocks as original numbers matching.

  5. Mr. Nitrous

    Besides, if you’re phoning in to chumps like these guys (or Click & Clack) for advice on N20, you probably don’t know enough to EVER be spraying anyhow. Caller, stick to minivans.

  6. Matt Cramer

    Watching those guys rant about what a bad idea it is to install nitrous has got me thinking that if they’re against it, it must be a good idea to put a dry nitrous system on my truck.

  7. Scott P

    Uh, no. – Racers didn’t invent the use of Nitrous

    It was used a bunch in WWII in aircraft to aid performance at high altitude.

    Crap TV like this just makes my skin crawl… they don’t care about being right.

  8. Mike Gates

    Just another inept try for the left side news people to act like they know what they are talking about ..I watch the show for its comedy as I find it funnier than SNL anyday..Granted they do handle some nice cars ..but I would frown on any car that I thought of purchasing there .Its another attempt to gain popularity as anyone thast a motorhead will watch about anything about custom and non-stock cars …TOTAL – FAIL.

  9. Nytro

    I’m embarrassed for these two morons after watching this video, but at least I know I shouldn’t bother watching their show.
    I’ve been running a 150 shot on my 455 Pontiac since the motor was first built eight years ago as well as 100 on a cast piston Chevy 350 for four years. Not a single issue with either of my “noss” motors.

  10. Top_Fuel1771

    I’ve never been a fan of nitrous, still think forced induction is the best power adder you can get, but there guys are absolute donkeys. Why do TV channels create car shows hosted by idiots who know nothing about cars? Do they not realize its car guys that watch car shows primarily?

  11. BBOB

    Everyone is trying to get a piece of Fast and Loud’s following; car guys know the difference. TV jerks.

    1. Gary Perkinson

      Exactly. Fast and Loud is successful because Richard and Aaron keep the macho crap to a minimum, they work on a wide variety of interesting cars, and they have a smart, laid-back sense of humor. Why do so many car shows insist on hitting viewers over the head with knuckle-dragging apes and a speed-metal soundtrack? STFU!

  12. R/T

    I’m just wondering if he was really believing that the engines have to be torn down after every run. He must drive a Prius.

    1. chadb

      he probably got that idea because that is what top fuel drag racers do. I know, they run nitro methane, not nitrous oxide. but I seriously doubt these clown know the difference, or that there is one.

  13. Jim

    This is why they’re “chasers” and not leaders. Just another scripted reality show full of posers and wannabes.

  14. Tracy

    I’ve seen promos for The Car Chasers on YouTube that play before the video I want to watch. I wasn’t impressed enough by them to want to watch their show. All they talked about was buying cars for cheap and flipping them for profit. Not my idea of a good time. And now this NAWSS crap… There is so much min-information out there these days it’s a wonder anybody learns anything. Was this released on April first?

  15. 75Duster

    These two are nothing more than car “flippers” that know nothing about NITROUS OXIDE, then again this is from the same network that hired Al Sharpton as a political commentator.

  16. C1BAD66

    A box of hammers just won an IQ contest over the show hosts

    Did anyone else notice the rotating assemblies on the dynamic engine graphic representations are turning CCW versus CW? Maybe they’re for vehicles that are designed to go backwards or have their rear axle mounted upside down.

    This subject would seem to be a prime topic for tonight’s PowerShift, assuming the show happens.

    1. C1BAD66

      Maybe they accidentally showed graphics depicting the starboard engine from a pair of counter-rotating boat engines…

      Maybe Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley will appear on the next show to straighten things out…

  17. citizen

    And even after watching CNBC come out with this trash people will still take everything they say about politics as “gospel”

  18. Pizzandoughnuts

    I guess I need to take my engine apart every round because of the scary “nawwsss”!!! How do buckethead “experts” always end up on TV???

  19. Norse

    I had the mis-fortune of watching this show for the first time last week (what can I say, Adult Swim was a repeat). I was totally blown away that this guy can even run a business!
    I know that a lot of the “build up” the scenes in the show are staged, but this guy is all slick and comes off like a 7 year old in Toys-R-Us who is trying to get his parents to buy him the latest Lego product.
    As stated here; he, and this show, is an embarrassment. Both to car guys and tv.

  20. Shawn

    Not to much of a surprise, All these car reality tv shows are full of shit and given false info. Thats way I dont watch any of them, I usually give each show a one – two episode chance, but they are so horrible with false info-misleading info I just can watch them anymore.

    Best car show to watch are not on tv! Roadkill for the win!

  21. ed

    Nitrous oxide was used in aircraft during wwll high altitude HP gains over there enemy Germans and the British from what i understand. this was the first high performance use of the gas drag racing in the sky!!
    the two guys on TV are uninformed tools. To much Vin Diesel to the brain.

  22. RuesgaOutlawRacing

    Cool NOS is fake HP, then I can use it with my Twin Turbo setup, because its fake, it wont make a difference……………

    1. N20 Hemi

      These guys are from LUBBOCK, Texas, for Pete’s sake. Don’t expect anything remotely correct coming out of that one-horse town.

      1. Keith Fox

        Not everyone here is full of cow pies. You know how turds float, they are just coming to the top.

  23. Rob

    What a pair of fxxkwits – absolute clueless dumbasses.
    How people like this even manage to walk and chew gum at the same time amazes me.

    Proves the point of – you don’t have to have a long neck to be a GOOSE.
    Surely someone somewhere in the studio or production area could have come on screen and bitch slapped some sense into them.(at least that would be entertaining)
    And then I would LMAO

  24. checker99

    I think these two are high on drugs the way they dance and bob and refuse to look into the camera during the segment. I’d like to see them both drug tested …

  25. A. Drew Walker

    After wasting 2 mins on this tard drivel I realized this show IS supposed to be a comedy…Except one big problem, they are using the writers from SNL…So, yeah, its NOT FUNNY….

  26. Suraido

    But next episode they’ll say it’s totally fine to put a 118mm turbo on a stock 4 cylinder and ride full boost without doing anything to the motor… any extra air or nitrous oxide or anytype of oxyde needs an equal part of fuel to compensate so to not create a lean condition… and you don’t try to pull out an extra 200hp on a stock motor, be it with NOS or a turbo or supercharger or whatever… it’s just common sense, an extra 15 hp of NOS if mixed with extra fuel will not damage your engine any more than running an extra 15hp with turbo or supercharge, or intake, or exhaust or whatever… And other interesting fact… NOS was not originated with racing, it was already used in WW1 fighter planes to give them and extra boost for manoeuvres, and still used in WW2 planes also… so fo cripes sake, read up and get real solid info before putting out such crap to people who think you’re really an expert and depend on you for knowledge…

  27. Keith Fox

    You won’t believe the bozo’s that worship these guys here in my home town because they have a TV show. I stay FAR away from them and their backer used car lot dad. I could tell stories about stupid stuff they do that don’t get aired. Word of mouth here gets around fast.

  28. 8 track flash back

    Holy crap, if you’re gonna bash NOZ, NASS, NAWS, at least do some creditable research on it. How about they started using it in WW2. I’ve never seen anyone rebuild a motor running NO2 between rounds. What dog crap. Holley should sue them for defamation of character for bad mouthing NOS. Apparently they were both huffing NO2 while writing this crap.

  29. rustychrome

    WOW! WTF? LMAO!!!!!!! And next week they will show you how to tune the carb on a 5.9 Cummins diesel!

  30. Bubba Gump... real n2o user

    As stated above… its been used since WW2. It was used on some fighter planes in the same manner as today. HP in a bottle. It was referred to as WEP…. War Emergency Power.

    These guys are as clueless as they come.

  31. Richard

    These two charter members of the Vin Diesel fan Fan Club need to turn in their Man cards. These guys are so full of shit, the entire episode should have been shot in the crapper of that make-believe garage.

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