
the car junkie daily magazine.


Classic YouTube: Piston King Motor Oil’s “Trailer Towing Test”

Classic YouTube: Piston King Motor Oil’s “Trailer Towing Test”

In these times of not wanting to go run errands out of fear of someone coughing (or worse, you coughing because of springtime allergies and winding up getting bug-bombed with disinfectant while trying to get groceries), mail-order services seem to be the answer. Not a bad way to go about it, if you are serious about following the guidelines: you don’t have to have a person-to-person exchange and you can deal with the parcel at your leisure. Who wants to place a bet on how much in sales Rock Auto has done since the shelter-in-place directives started going out? I know that they’ve been busy sending stuff to my shop.

I remember when the Piston King Motor Oil videos came out. Just like I did back then, I couldn’t tell if it was a legitimate business or if this was something that College Humor whipped up. I still don’t know for sure. Between the very cheesy (and kind of creepy) Rocket, whose Cheshire Cat grin and 1960s game show delivery amp up the “this can’t possibly be real” factor, the very dingy and very angry Boyd, Piston King’s surly test-driver, and…well, how else can we say this…the eye-candy, you’d be forgiven for thinking that these were spoof videos.

What happened to Piston King? I don’t know. But if you want a laugh, hit the play button below. Just be careful around those who are sensitive to mature jokes, screaming tires or who get easily angered if you’re watching anything that might jiggle. We’re not responsible if you get brained upside the head with a frying pan.

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