
the car junkie daily magazine.


Best of 2020: The Social Distance Bike, Courtesy Of The Mad Inventor

Best of 2020: The Social Distance Bike, Courtesy Of The Mad Inventor

Six feet apart. That’s the current rule, ain’t it? Be six feet apart or you’re going to catch the 21st century plague of the moment. Six feet apart or Brenda there is going to give you a Lysol enema until you’re so disinfected that your insides sparkle like a perfect diamond in the sun. Six feet apart, be it random strangers, a married couple on a park bench, brother and sister, whatever. If you’re going to be outside, be six feet apart. Folks, I’m an introvert by nature, and a bit misanthropic to boot. Six feet away isn’t good enough when everyone is healthy. You start coughing and I’m finding a ten-foot-long cattle prod that’ll jump-start a Kenworth at the tap of a button to keep you away. And my opinion of this whole situation isn’t appropriate for public distribution, because there is a very real worry and a very real situation. Just because it doesn’t affect me doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect. I don’t agree with a lot of it, but maybe some distance away from other human beings is what the doctor truly ordered. I can approve of that.

Colin Furze can appreciate that too. But he might have misread the idea when he disappeared into his shed to whip up a creation that is just perfect for these times. Dubbed the “Highcycle” and better understood as the Social Distance Bike, the idea is straightforward: I’ll ride my bike and be well above the common folk. Can’t be any more dangerous that one of those pennyfarthing things (you know, gigantic wheel up front, tiny wheel in the back) and while you’re keeping everyone right at perfect kick-to-the-head level, you’re getting some exercise in too. Two problems solved in one straightforward, simple and relatively cheap manner. Yeah, that’s a genius move if we’ve ever seen one.

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