Front and center in the “Shut up, it’s a great idea” file is adding engines onto one chassis. Think about Tommy Ivo’s dragsters, or the freakish multi-block Lada that the guys from Garage54 added on to until it looked like an anteater. Would you have the cojones to strap in and nail the throttle? It was good enough for Mickey Thompson when he sat behind four very pissed-off Pontiac engines in Bonneville and let ‘er eat, so why would you be concerned about planting yourself dead-center as the center of gravity of a chassis that is holding four Predator engines, each driving one individual wheel. You can hear some safety freak have a panic attack from a mile away the second somebody drops the hammer and this thing dives straight into rally mode. Want to feel like you’re Colin McRae at full-tilt, but with a slightly less chance of death? This looks like your jam then!
Some recommendations for the next time this beast comes out, guys: stiffen up the chassis, give the four wheels any kind of suspension, even if it’s valvesprings, get a harness in that will hold you two down without requiring you to hold onto the seat while praying, and I think you’ll be just fine.
Hey, it’s a bad idea, but at least its poorly executed!
You would have to stay “ahead” of the steering and what the kart is doing. If all engines could make the same power and not to mention if the front pushed because of one of the front engines quits, chain breaks or back end going sideways if a rear engine failed or chain it would be a great idea. To answer the question yes I would strap into this kart but then again I would try driving just about anything within mechanical reason at least once. Good stuff to watch though lol.
Why cant I ever come up with doing stupid stuff like that ? I would rock that thing. Looks like so much fun.