
the car junkie daily magazine.


Flaming Wreckage Video: Watch A Crazy Off Road Buggy Roll, Burst Into Flames, and Then Burn To A Crisp In the Woods

Flaming Wreckage Video: Watch A Crazy Off Road Buggy Roll, Burst Into Flames, and Then Burn To A Crisp In the Woods

We’ve shown you lots of videos over the years of wild off road truggies climbing near sheer cliff faces, jumping logs, and scrambling up hills with their four wheel steering, locked axles, and screaming V8 engines. We’ve also showed you video of the times when they fail to do any of those things and succumb to the power of gravity and wreck hard. Outside of the hard impacts, we’ve never seen anything other than some mildly dazed drivers and excited spectators in those vidoes…until now. This is the literal disaster scenario as the buggy in the video rolls gently and then bursts into flames in the middle of the woods. The driver and passenger narrowly escape certain doom, but the buggy, despite the efforts of brave guys with fire extinguishers burns as badly as it can.

Because these machines are largely steel tubing there isn’t a body to melt, but there is plenty of flammable stuff to feed an already gnarly gasoline fed fire. As you’ll see at the end of the video, the buggy is as crispy as it possibly could be and although a fire truck showed up (eventually) not much was saved. We’re not taking a pot shot at the safety people in the off road area, but it is an off road area, not a drag strip or circle track where emergency workers can just position themselves in a corner or turnout or something. These guys are in the middle of the woods.

We’re glad everyone got out OK…this is a scary deal!

Press play to see a killer fabricated rock truggie burn to a crisp!

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