
the car junkie daily magazine.


Mondo-Roto Video: More New Footage Of The 12 Rotor Engine On The Dyno – The Sound Is Good

Mondo-Roto Video: More New Footage Of The 12 Rotor Engine On The Dyno – The Sound Is Good

As we told you the other day, the 12 rotor engine made initial, low RPM dyno runs and survived so now the mill is back at home to be pulled apart, inspected, upgraded with EFI and prepared for its next trip to the pump. The video we showed you the other day was taken from outside the dyno cell so the sound was muffled and weird. This five minute clip is footage taken from inside the dyno cell and there are a few moments of sound taken from outside the building at the business end of the exhaust system and we can tell you that this big rotary sounds pissed off and very unique.

Like we told you the other day, the engine was only run at low RPMs because induction was a single four barrel carb, not the planned EFI, and because this was the first time that the engine had been run with a load on it and the 12 rotor engine crew wanted to make sure it was healthy and looked good inside when the testing was done. From the sounds of things, all systems are go to upgrade to EFI and let the big beast sing its 9,000 RPM song at normal operating RPM.

You’e not going to learn a whole lot from this video, but you will get good natural sound of the engine running and you’ll get the bet look yet and the wild layout along with the crazy induction and exhaust setup on the big guy. We can’t wait until they wick this thing up.


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1 thoughts on “Mondo-Roto Video: More New Footage Of The 12 Rotor Engine On The Dyno – The Sound Is Good

  1. benzdoc

    Just noticed the wet exhaust. Boat engine? Would make since with both the exhaust and intake on the top of it. Still very cool.

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