Have I been to Power Tour before? Only to shoot one stop at a time. That’s it. I’ve never taken the great road trip with Hot Rod. There are many reasons why that never happened, but one of the biggest reasons was that I didn’t need to sign up for a road trip just to see America. I’ve got hundreds of thousands of miles under my belt from random trips across the country, from basic things like visiting family to weeks on the road doing whatever the hell I could possibly feel like doing. Why did I need to roam the country with a bunch of like-minded gearheads? What would be the point, other than having someone else see the same great sights that I was seeing?
Watching the traveling group of folks that came together via their YouTube careers and love of cars was interesting from an outsider’s perspective. It’s easy to dismiss each car as “YouTube money”, but look at them. The only one that could possibly come close is Dylan McCool’s 1969 Dodge Charger, and that’s not so much YouTube money as it is Mopar Tax. Every last one of the vehicles that grouped together for the 2019 Power Tour that gets highlighted in this video are revivals in one way or another, cars that got a second, third or fifth chance at life thanks to the drive and determination of every one of these presenters. This was their vacation…this is how they let loose.
Except for Rich from Deboss Garage. He was still waiting on an engine for his gorgeous Pontiac GTO to show up from Canada.