
the car junkie daily magazine.


Sorry, But There Is Not One Pic-A-Nic Basket In That Subaru Wagon, Yogi!

Sorry, But There Is Not One Pic-A-Nic Basket In That Subaru Wagon, Yogi!

It is never a good day when you come out to your car and find something occupying it that you didn’t leave in there in the first place. For the owner of this Subaru Outback, that “something” was a young bear that somehow, beyond anybody’s expectations, managed to lock himself inside of the car without breaking any windows whatsoever. If you ever wanted to find a faster method of waking up in the morning than coffee, seeing a bear stare back at you from inside of your car is a sure-fire bet that you’ll be plenty awake. You might even go for a morning run – far, far away from your car, at a pace your body wouldn’t normally ever go. A Jefferson County, Colorado deputy got the unenviable job of freeing the stuck cub from the confines of the Subaru and informing the owner that the inside was pretty much shredded. Considering that mama bear had to be close by, we’re pretty sure the owner of the car didn’t mind one bit.

(Courtesy: Carscoops)

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6 thoughts on “Sorry, But There Is Not One Pic-A-Nic Basket In That Subaru Wagon, Yogi!

    1. john t

      NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! just finished going thru therapy over that….I often wonder if ColostomyKid moved to the UK and changed his name to Geordie…

  1. sbg

    You know, it’s illegal to leave pets locked in your car. Why didn’t the officer arrest the Subaru owner for such a terrible act?

  2. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Hah hah hah – such bear-faced cheek!

    You know why they call me the colostomy kid? As a student of the great Doctor Benway I can perform a full colostomy with my teeth and a rusty paper clip in 35 seconds – but I might make it last a bit longer for you, john t…..

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