Running down the center of Murphysboro, Illinois is Walnut Street, the main drag of the little sleepy town. Storefronts that date back to the early 1900s line the road on both sides east to west, and at three in the morning, the only activity going on is the flashing of the traffic lights as they permit the night owls to handle their business without interruption. At three in the morning, Walnut Street looks like moonscape…not a soul in sight, and as I can attest from many a night roamed around those parts, the urge to leave my mark upon the town via a healthy dose of rubber and engine noise sometimes is too hard to bear. (And I’ve never regretted it, not once, ever.)
Most municipalities tend to frown on that kind of delinquent behavior, but in Buffalo, Missouri, not only was it actively encouraged, but there was great participation. This is the Hillbillies and Hot Rods event, and it’s supposed to be more of a car show, but there is this certain exhibit at this one street that our friends over at Urban Hillbilly Videos couldn’t pass up checking out. It might have been cold out, but nothing would warm our hearts up like listening to the sounds of unabashed and otherwise unlawful hooning taking place with just a couple of common-sense safety items and a decent runout for those who wanted to lay a patch on a city street without having a Crown Victoria right up their tailpipe! I wonder if anyone from Murphysboro is actually reading this…it’s just a suggestion!
I’m not from Murphy but have been through there and know the street. You lived there?
People from Murphy are reading this!!