There’s nothing quite like a head-to-head comparison between two manufacturers to stir up the masses, is there? The fastest way to get sure-fire results in the comments section of a video that has anything to do with cars is to pit one group of brand-loyal die-hards against another in a battle for perceived supremacy. Honestly, it’s kind of bunk: the two stroker motors that the Engine Masters crew test out both work well. They were built up to pair off as close as possible, but the Mopar is saddled with 170cc heads, putting it at a disadvantage against the Ford’s 190cc heads. Other than that, they were built to be as identical as possible: Holley carb, MSD ignition, Edelbrock intake and heads. Both of these small-blocks should put up good numbers, and yeah, one of them is going to have to “win”, but the interesting part comes when you compare notes between both engines after the dyno pulls…especially when you see just how alike they truly are.
Great video; BUT why if they are trying to compare apples to apples did they go with the bigger heads on the Ford?? David’s comment about the fact no one would buy the smaller head is not really good enough. Someone must be buying them, or corporate at Ebock would cut them from production. I dare say if the same heads were used on both engines the curves would be matching within fractions of a percent.
Bet the cam on the Mopar was ground for a Chevy lifter lobe profile also, not the bigger Mopar lifter which tends to give you more area under the curve. Double handicap on the Mopar!!
Shame on you Dave; and you call yourself a Mopar guy.
Just to add insult to injury, Dave, you could have used the Cleveland heads and intake Edelbrock sells (190 cfm too) on the 351W and really made the Mopar look bad. Again, because if they are available why not use them. And I am both a Ford and Mopar guy!
Sorry, I guess a need a Snickers bar! Not myself.
I have looked at A LOT of this type of test on line. I have never found an “even steven” test . there is always one or two things on one engine that the other does not get. The bigger heads on the Ford is what I’m speaking of. This is not an even test . Even if you are a tried and true Ford guy . You would have to agree. The reason they gave was the price for the bigger head is the same. So no one would buy the smaller head. What does that have to do with an even test . They make Hemi heads for small block Mopars . Just get a set of those . Then say” they make these ,no one would buy wedge heads if you can buy hemi heads ,So we went with the hemi head”If you knew the real story . Either Edelbrock just started to make that size Ford head . Or they have a lot of them they want to sell . Cool to watch . I always look these things up . But I have yet so see a true even test .
The sale of the smaller port Ford head would suit the small CID engines. A 260″ engine could benefit a smaller port. For the sake of the test, I would like to have seen the smaller head used on the Ford . I suspect the Mopar would then prevail.