
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Could Be The Ultimate Metal Cutting Cart For Your Shop

This Could Be The Ultimate Metal Cutting Cart For Your Shop

We’re always on the lookout for cool equipment for the shop, and especially like it when we find people who have built cool welding tables, welding carts, or what have you. Well this falls into the what have you category and is really cool. It’s a metal cutting station if you will. With not one, but two, chop saws mounted on a pivoting system with metal support, storage, and more. We dig it and are going to steal a couple of ideas from it for our own metal cutting and grinding station that we’re building from a neat old metal cart we’ve got in the shop.

Take a look at this one and let us know what you think?


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1 thoughts on “This Could Be The Ultimate Metal Cutting Cart For Your Shop

  1. Loren

    I like his video style, it didn’t waste a bunch of our time and the beer holder (wince) was a great punchline.

    However I could only see that for a shop that does a whole lot of 90s and a whole lot of 45s . Around cars, much of the time the angles are something else and the choice would be one saw but with easy and accurate adjustment, maybe pinned at whatever angles you keep coming back to.

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