
the car junkie daily magazine.


Using The Flame Throwers On A Hot Rod To Start A Fire Is Dangerously BangShift Approved (Video)

Using The Flame Throwers On A Hot Rod To Start A Fire Is Dangerously BangShift Approved (Video)

Sure, this is dangerous as all get out and some of you will probably admonish us for even running the video below on the site, but how could we not? Darr Hawthorne found it and sent us the tip so we decided to share it with all of you because watching a guy start a fire using the exhaust flame throwers on the back of his hot rod is perfect for a lazy Saturday here at BangShift. No, you probably shouldn’t try this and yes we know it could have gotten bad if something had happened and the fire had somehow leapt and sent the car up in flames, but honestly if you are going to be that guy try to have a sense of humor for the next minute.

As the title of the video suggests, this campfire gets started by the world’s biggest lighter…that we know of. This old coupe throws some pretty good flames out of the pipes and obviously the wood was treated with some kind of accelerant because a few flames from the exhaust pipes would not ignite stuff with this type of ferocity but it is still very neat and something we had never even thought of before. The driver takes a couple of tried, but when he gets the magical shot, the stack of wood goes up like it was cut from gasoline trees.  We approve of the fun, but DON’T DO THIS….YOU COULD BLOW UP YOUR JUNK.


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