
the car junkie daily magazine.


Video of the Week: How Not to Pull Out a Stuck Jeep

Video of the Week: How Not to Pull Out a Stuck Jeep

With the news that our pals at StreetFire and CarDomain recently joined forces, we realized that we were relying way to heavily on YouTube for our Video of the Week selections. After all, if we’re looking for great car and truck videos it would make sense to go to a place that features them.

Anyway, this week’s selection grabbed our attention for stupidity, wanton destruction, and its sheer wow factor. You’ll be wowed be the ending to this sucker as well. Beware, the language used is salty to say the least. Come to think of it, you may utter a choice word or two when you see what happened to this poor Jeep.

Don’t try this at home!

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