
the car junkie daily magazine.


Video: Watch The Infamous Ice Monster Camaro Tear Around A Frozen Swedish Lake Road Course!

Video: Watch The Infamous Ice Monster Camaro Tear Around A Frozen Swedish Lake Road Course!

Over the last few years we have showed you several videos of this gnarly, dented, pissed off, and well worn second generation Camaro in Sweden. Known as the “Ice Monster” this car is setup to really haul the mail on the frozen ice road courses that Swedish hot rodders plow out during the winter to keep themselves occupied and entertained. We love the car because it is the right shade of ugly and it really works well on the ice with its studded tires and tail hanging out style. It throws rooster tails of ice and snow and seems to handle (on ice) better than lots of road going cars do on asphalt!

This video features both in-car and outside footage which is great. It makes us long for an ice racer of our own to run on some of the frozen lakes that racers across New England compete on. Hell, when it is last time you saw a racing video start with someone scraping ice off the windshield of a car competing! Through the video you’ll see the Camaro literally eat up other cars and even dirt bikes that were on the course at the same time. It sounds nasty, looks tough, and is totally at home on the ice. It would be worth the price of admission to fly over the and ride shotgun for a couple laps before stealing some seat time for ourselves!

While your hot rod sits in the garage, protected from the elements and hibernating know that BangShifters half way around the world are getting their speed addiction fed in a major league way. This car, this guy, and this video all rule! Dig the female passenger laughing and screaming in delight when they start blowing donuts in the snow at the 2:00 minute mark and on!


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2 thoughts on “Video: Watch The Infamous Ice Monster Camaro Tear Around A Frozen Swedish Lake Road Course!

  1. Ermott

    Later that afternoon, while in a three mile long powerslide, the interior of the camero filled up with packed snow to the point where the driver and passenger had to be dug out by the camera crew. It took over an hour.

    Really… It’s true! Umm yes really!

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