
the car junkie daily magazine.


Sunday Re-Run: Watch A Kid Set His Car, Himself, And Nearly His Whole Shop On Fire While Trying To Start His Project

Sunday Re-Run: Watch A Kid Set His Car, Himself, And Nearly His Whole Shop On Fire While Trying To Start His Project

If this isn’t a video documenting every possible wrong, misguided, and potentially lethal thing to do with a project car in your shop we don’t know what is. Basically, a 23-year old kid is building a project drift car. He’s never done anything like this before and in this video he has the motor mocked into position and he tries to fire it. He tries to fire it with no exhaust manifolds on it, the engine hanging from an engine crane, a seemingly full jug of gasoline on the cowl, a remote mounted switch for the electric fuel pump, and most importantly not a plan or any equipment to help him if something goes wrong. It goes as wrong as it can possibly go with the engine catching fire.

Instead of dousing the thing with an extinguisher the kid panics. He tries to turn the motor to suck the fire in, which is comical in the fact that the ENTIRE ENGINE IS ON FIRE, not just the carb. He fiddles with the fuel pump switch and accidentally turns it back on, feeding the disaster momentarily until the wires melt. He then tries to blow it out. Honestly, he does. Once he tries to stomp on some embers, things get legitimately bad and the fire spreads rapidly. He makes for the gas can, jerks it out of position and douses himself and the side of the car with gasoline, causing a wall of fire that sent him to a burn recovery unit. He had severe burns on his hands and arms after this. Finally, he gets a garden hose and starts to shoot water all over the place. Once the fire mostly dies down, he gets more length in the hose and comes back in to find a flickering flame in the carb. He then unleashes a torrent of water directly down the throat of the carb….which would have gone out if he had just turned the motor over, but he couldn’t ironically.

We’re stopping there. Oh, the kid is looking for donations to pay his medical bills because he has no insurance at his job. Not touching that.



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31 thoughts on “Sunday Re-Run: Watch A Kid Set His Car, Himself, And Nearly His Whole Shop On Fire While Trying To Start His Project

  1. Greg Rourke

    Brian, I noted that this clown says this video is “copy written”, so I hope you asked permission. I weep for the future.
    I have noted a large extinguisher near a certain Miata project I know about.

  2. Jason

    Donations to help pay his medical bills? Sorry kid, there’s no cure for stupid.

  3. Chuck Norris

    I think back in the day I kicked him in the head to many times, why would you show this video to anyone, these are the kind of things you do, and don’t tell anyone, I guess you can’t fix stupid.

  4. J.T.

    This idiot who kept trying to start it up while it was on fire(as if it started the motor would put the fire out) and who did not have a fire extinguisher deserves the Darwin award. He’s also proof our heard needs to be thinned out . lol

  5. Brad Klaassen

    After I finally stopped laughing enough to be able to type this post, I’ve gotta agree with many of the others posts, “You just can’t fix stupid.” And posting this video on Youtube also confirms the Stupid Stamp on this guys forehead really does exist.

  6. 75Duster

    While he’s recovering from his wounds he needs to think about getting another hobby.

  7. cyclone03

    so was he cranking raw gas out of the ports onto the floor,or was there a gas leak we couldn’t see?

    1. TheSilverBuick

      I’m pretty sure he spilled gas from the gas can when he pulled the hose out of the gas can.

      If I can figure a way out to download this I’d play it at our daily safety meeting.

    2. Anonymous

      He pulled the hose out of the gas can and it emptied onto the floor. If only he could have gotten it to fire, then everything would have been okay?

  8. chadb

    he tried to start a motor with no exhaust manifolds, hanging from the hoist, and you noticed the carb? good eye, but the carb was the least of this guy’s problems. needs help with medical bills? i suggest selling the car, all tools, and any other auto-related items he might have. he’s barely qualified to ride in a car. forget owning one.

  9. Kevin Berry

    DUMB ASS!!

    @14 seconds in he almost burns himself as a flame shoots out of the exhaust port. & does THIS perhaps inspire him to get some sort of fire protection within reach?? NO! Of course not!

    @27/28 seconds in he realizes that the choke is fully closed, so he manually opens it. (…but the thought of having a now flooded engine & gas fumes everywhere never crosses his mind!)

    Sure enuf, he goes back to cranking the engine over and “POOF!” it is a Miata BonFire!! (& a weenie roast!)

    His efforts to Blow The Fire Out are simply comical. & then he obviously has NEVER been told that gasoline FUMES are what really burns as he just feeds the fire by pouring more gas onto the fender and the floor!

    But BY FAR my Favorite Part is after he runs thru the wall of flames, goes outside, and you can hear him say “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” as he runs to get the garden hose!! LOL

    He is VERY LUCKY that he didn’t burn the whole freakin place down!!

    & YES a $10 Fire Extinguisher might have prevented all of this!!

    DUMB ASS!!
    (…his parents must be SO Proud!!)

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  11. 440 6Pac

    That’s why they have things called fire extinguishers. No shop should be without one.
    I was waiting for the water to spread the fire. Grease, oil, and gas float.

  12. Don Richardson

    I love the part where he squirts the hose down the carb!! Hurry up, Dude!!! Crank it now!! lol

  13. Tom Serna

    rookie mistake. I saw them nearly do the same thing a couple of times on Fast n Loud by pouring gas from out of a full coke bottle into the carby WHILE the guy was cranking it. the carb backfires and everything goes up like a roman candle, the guy quickly ditches the bottle into the driveway – which goes up like a molotov cocktail. And there is no fire extinguisher handy, luckily the enginebay fire goes out by blowing, real good lesson to put across.

  14. Highway

    Man this guy is making all us redneck shade-tree mechanics look bad. Love the way it flamed back up after he walked off, lol. The only thing he is missing is a garbage can full of oily rags.

  15. ChaizeImazige

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  17. ChaizeImazige


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