If you’re to the point that landing the small aircraft you are currently flying has become a good idea, your day has just made the top-three list of bad days in your book. By it’s design, if the engine fails an aircraft becomes a glider, which buys the pilot enough time to quickly figure out where they are going to land. Any useable strip of land becomes an option, and if a wide, useable roadway is present, that provides the pilot with a hard surface, eliminating the chances of soft spots, hills and ruts like you would find landing somewhere else. Sure, there’s the danger of traffic, but if you are choosing between hitting a car or something a little more spectacular (read: fiery), the traffic immediately becomes a non-issue.
The instructor/student pair in this Piper Cherokee had just taken off from the airport in Irvine, California when the engine threw in the towel. Finding themselves below a safe altitude to bring the aircraft back to the airport, they instead performed a safe emergency landing on a nearby street, which was caught on a dash cam towards the end of rush hour. Imagine you’re just sitting at a red light when an aircraft goes zooming down the street in front of you. What would your first thought be? Personally, we might just call in a day or two of vacation. Then again, we weren’t the ones in the plane when the engine quit, either.
Good thing he had the light , those red light cameras are a bitch!
I’m suprised someone didn’t try to block him from entering the roadway.