Looking To Build A Roll Cage In Your Project? This Dirt Lifestyle Video Shows You How!

Looking To Build A Roll Cage In Your Project? This Dirt Lifestyle Video Shows You How!

Building roll cages can be incredibly intimidating and can require various levels of skill depending on the style and size of what you want to build. Of course how intricate it is going to be, and what kind of vehicle it is going in also impact how much skill you’ll need, but if you have some gumption and basic skills your cage project can become a reality with limited tools. What would we do without YouTube? If you want to learn how to do it, then you can probably find video on anything on YouTube. Wanna learn to play the violin? Done. Wanna learn to build and engine? Done. Want to learn how to weld? Done. So it should come as no surprise that there are tons of videos on how to build a roll cage in a car, and some of them are even good.

But one thing a lot of them have in common is the fact that they intimidate more than inspire. Which is too bad because people want to be inspired and want to do stuff on their own projects, and they should!

This video shows some simple tips and tricks on building a simple cage in a Jeep truck, but the principles apply to anything. I say you should try it. And don’t be afraid to try a kit from someone like Chris Alston’s Chassisworks. Cage kits like theirs can be a great way to install your first as they do all the heavy lifting by bending and fitting their cages so that only final fitting and welding is required.

Or you can buy a stack of tubing and some plate and go after it! Either way, we’re confident that many of you could do this on your own if you are patient and take your time.

Watch the video and let us know what you think.


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