
the car junkie daily magazine.


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The Top 11 Reasons I’ll Use to Convince My Wife That I Need Freiburger’s Javelin

With the Red Ball Express adventure looming closer every day, I need to get cracking about breaking the news to my loving (currently) wife that the red, white and blue, former dirt-track racing...

Breaking News: Freiburger Going Back to Hot Rod Magazine

I had hoped to control this a bit more, but the word is spreading like wildfire so I might as well “officially” break the news to you here first: I’m going back to Hot Rod magazine...

eBay Pick of the Week: 2007 Pump Gas Drags Decals…Hmmm

This is curious. We found a seller on eBay who is peddling 2007 Hot Rod Pump Gas Drags windshield decals, and it seems he has at least a small stock of them. We’re not sure who this is or how...

Ford’s New NASCAR Mill is on the Way

It bears no resemblance to a factory engine, shares no parts with a factory engine, but it’s going into Ford headlight-sticker’d NASCAR Sprint Cup entries during the second half of the...

Monday Time Killer: Hank’s Truck Pictures

Since we got such a great response from our Top 11 list of coolest movie trucks, and especially the outpouring of love for the evil old rig that starred in the movie Duel, we’re sending you to...

Jalopnik: Car-Related Music Album Covers

As much as we don’t really consider the Jalopnik guys to be car guys in the same way that we here are car guys, they do sometimes post something informative or amusing. Like this: a photo...

The F-Bomb Camaro in Fast and Furious 4

It’s been the worst kept secret that my F-Bomb Camaro is in the newest Fast and Furious movie, releasing April 4. But now that the second trailer is everywhere, clearly showing the car,...

CarDomain: Helpin’ Us Out!

You know about CarDomain.com? It’s an online car-guy community where you can create your own page that tells all about your project cars with photos and everything. It’s also a place...

Photo Gallery: 41 Shots of ’67-’69 Camaros

I’ve been guilty of dismissing first-gen Camaros as boring and overrated just because there are so many of them out there. I’ve been sucked into an attitude problem by the mass of letters...

Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: Eaton Lays Off 5,200

You know Eaton products even if you don’t know the corporation. The company is an OE supplier of all sorts of items, the most glorious of which are the superchargers found in many applications...

Freaky Shortened Duster Roadster on eBay

We were turned on to this at the blog over on CarDomain. It’s a ’71 Plymouth Duster on eBayMotors, and the seller claims that it’s a relic of drag racer Bill Stiles, who was given...

CraigsList Pick of the Week: ’68 Dodge Polara Wagon

We’ve got wagons on the brain since we’ll soon be taking a road trip to retrieve a ’65 LeMans longroof for a friend. Our own station wagons are all broken, so rather than fix one,...

Cool Old Press Photos: ’57 Ford Skyliner

You want to talk about capturing the public’s imagination? This car literally stopped people in their tracks. As it’s said in the release, the ’57 Ford Skyliner featured the...

Gearhead Destination: Eldora Speedway

We’re lucky in the US in the fact that we have literally hundreds of venues to go and watch our favorite gearhead activities. For many of us, that activity is racing in one of its myriad of...