
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Race Week 2.0 Highlights: Every Rocky Mountain Race Week Highlight Videos From East Texas And Western Louisiana

We’re going to share all the videos from James and the crew at the Rocky Mountain Race Week media team, and we figured this would make for a convenient and cool spot to do so. We’re...

| Race Week 2.0 Day 5 From Twin Cities Raceway! 1500hp STICK SHIFT Battle, Unlimited Class UPSET, & MORE!

Unlike most Drag and Drive events, the Rocky Mountain events all feature 4 days Average ET competition instead of 5. On the 5th day of racing, the averages have already been set and it’s time...

Drag And Drive Carnage! 130MPH High Speed Wreck On Race Week 2.0 Day 1 At Pine Valley Raceway In East Texas

There has never been a drag and drive event that didn’t start off with someone having a really bad day. It happens. Whether that’s in the form of a wreck, engine carnage, transmission...

The Biggest Announcement In Drag And Drive History? Two Drag and Drives, One Week, One Set Of Tracks, And More Than $50k On The Line!

It’s out there folks, both the news and the idea are some of the biggest we’ve ever heard and we are super excited to be a part of it. Matt Frost announced yesterday that Rocky Mountain...