(Photos by Scott Liggett) – We have to thank our pal and OG BangShifter Scott Liggett for his awesome torrent of photos from the 2016 Highway Creepers Car Show that was held in Nebraska recently. This is one of those shows that serves as proof that cities and car clubs can not only work together but also kick ass together. This show totally owns the downtown area in Kearney, Nebraska and everyone benefits from it. Business have a ton of people walking about, the car show participants get to have a fantastic location for their event, and the city gets lots of out of town eyeballs in to have fun, eat food, and spend a couple of bucks.
We have told you all about the show and how the club is great so you get all that. We’re not going to beat that bloody horse again, but we are going to tell you for one last time to check out these killer photos and enjoy them!