
the car junkie daily magazine.


Humongous Parts Photos: What A Valve From a Container Ship Looks Like

Humongous Parts Photos: What A Valve From a Container Ship Looks Like

We’ve all gotten that infamous e-mail forward with photos of a massive container ship engine going together. There are photos of guys standing in the cam bearings and pistons the size of a two story house. Well, we had our own personal brush with hugeness at the backyard car show we attended last weekend due to the fact that a valve (we’re not sure intake or exhaust, but juding by the coloration we think exhaust) from a huge ship was laying on the grass like an anchor!

Reportedly this thing weighs 3-400lbs and is made of a type of steel a notch above stainless. The name was given but frankly it was longer than our two syllable mind could hang onto. The scrap value of the piece is very high as due to both the quantity of the steel and the quality of it.  

These photos are not doctored. We had the kids in there to give some perspective. We’re guessing that there’s no valve spring involved with this massive piece and it operates in the manner of a desmodromic system. Are we wrong on that?

Massive valve from a container ship

massive valve from a container ship

massive valve from a container ship

massive valve from a container ship

massive container ship valve 

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3 thoughts on “Humongous Parts Photos: What A Valve From a Container Ship Looks Like


    300 Marging otherwise known as 300M? Above that for strength and temperature stability you’re talking Nickle alloys.

  2. Dick

    The valve is an exhaust valve made on numonic-80. The engine it is off of is a Sulzer, which is a Cwiss Company. Three fuel injectors per cylinder, 66,120BHP

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