
the car junkie daily magazine.


Best of 2014: Someone Built A Tube Chassis, Center Steer, Big Block Smart Car And There’s Video Of It Running At The Strip

Best of 2014: Someone Built A Tube Chassis, Center Steer, Big Block Smart Car And There’s Video Of It Running At The Strip

We have to thank Moroso’s Scott Hall for the tip off on this video featuring what has to be the most interesting drag car project we have seen in quite some time. Harking back to some of the old school “huge motor in a little car” projects of decades past like the famed “No Big Thing” Vespa and all of the hemi and blown big block Nash Metropolitans we have seen over the years, this little car emerged at No Limiti Raceway in Morocco, Indiana to begin making shakedown runs. This video is of the car on one of those shakedown runs and as you can see, it leaves pretty easy but does power all the way down the track.

We rooted around a little bit and managed to find a photo of the car without the Smart Car body attached to it and the little bastard is pretty cool. We were shocked to see that the engine is actually in the “normal” position up front. In stock form, a Smart car’s engine is in the rear. We fully expected to see the rat motor shoved in the passenger compartment or something. Hell, we were expecting to see a seat ON TOP of the air cleaner, so this thing is way more advanced than we had given it credit for!

Here’s a photo of the naked chassis:

smart chassis


We mentioned a famous old drag car called, “No Big Thing” which we think this baby is the 100% modern embodiment of. Here’s a shot of “No Big Thing” in action from the 1960s. What do you think? Is this big block Smart Car on the level?



Sure the Smart looks weirdo with the wheels and tires hanging out in the breeze, but there really wasn’t much of an option for that in our opinion. The track width of the car is so narrow to start with, it would have been a death trap of epic proportions to try and tuck it all under the body. After all, “No Big Thing” had (and still has) its junk hanging out for the world to see so there is historical precedent.

We’re excited to see what this Smart with a big block will run when fully sorted out and dialed in. The engine looks like a 454 with a single four barrel carb on it and the transmission is a gear jammer as shown in the “naked” photo above so with some tuning and tweaking we bet this baby is good for 10s or better! We can only imagine what the total weight of the car is, but it cannot be much more than 2,000lbs (with driver) if it is even that heavy. A weird, wild, freakshow that is 100% BangShift approved! These guys didn’t think outside the box, they took the box and stuffed it full of grenades and then blew it to pieces!


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