I can’t even begin to count the number of old wives tales, myths, and wacky theories I’ve heard about how to make horsepower during my life. I can tell you that some of the ones I believed from my early days, were thoroughly debunked by much smarter people on the engine dyno. I can also tell you that I have personally seen and tested a bunch of them over the years and that Steve Brulé was usually the man working the dyno during those situations and on several occasions Freiburger was standing next to me. I love being able to learn new things and am so thankful for all the time I’ve gotten to spend on the dyno. But thanks to the video below, you’ll save yourself some time and energy and money NOT having to go do all the testing.
Check out Dulcich and Freiburgers top horsepower myths below.
Video Description:
This video is all about muscle car V8 horsepower and dyno testing based on our experiences on the Engine Masters TV show! Steve Dulcich dishes the tech facts while I rant a bit in this Q&A session that also has flashbacks to Steve and I working together for 20-plus years in magazines and television at MotorTrend and beyond. We ended up busting a lot of engine myths, at least in the world of street-strip performance.
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