The battle over brand superiority has been being waged since the first two people started making and selling the same product. From that moment on, brand battles have been a thing, but perhaps none as intense as the battle between the Big 3, Mopar, Ford, and Chevrolet. These three have battled it out for performance prowess, economy numbers, and styling for generations. But never has there been a time when making power with any of these three brands has been easier. Stock powerplants from all three make more power than any engine combos every offered by any make. Technology and experience are at an all time high when it comes to making power. So when you take both of these factors, and a little bit of thought, you can make ridiculous power numbers with any of their platforms.
But which one reigns supreme in the turbocharged junkyard engine battle? We’ve all got our favorites, but which one really makes the most power and has the most potential? The differences in these engines is significant in some areas, and yet all are capable of making WAY more than 1,000 horsepower with stock internals. In fact, they are capable of doing this a bunch of times in some cases.
So who’s the champ? Watch the latest from Richard Holdener to find out.
My money is on the Hemi.
My money is on the ls
No surprises there. More displacement=more power. For Dollar per HP the LS keeps the crown.