I get asked all the time about combinations that will make certain horsepower levels. Whether it’s a small block, an LS, a big block, or whatever, everyone has some magic power number they’d like to reach in their hot rod or race car. But nobody ever knows what to believe on how to get to their particular horsepower goal. Do you believe the so called experts on the internet? Some sure, but some don’t have a clue about what it is they are spewing and so you never know what you’d really end up with. Fortunately, our friend Richard Holdener has tested more power combos than anyone in the business and has a jillion recipes for horsepower in virtually every V8 available. He also has some 6 cylinder stuff and loads of 4 cylinder power combos too, but this time he’s focusing on Small Block Chevrolets that make 400-1000 horsepower, and we love him for it.
So if you want to see some options for making power with a small block Chevrolet, look no further than right here. This video will show you some combos that you can easily duplicate and that you know will result in a predictable power level. Remember, 1,000 is awesome, I can attest, but 400 horsepower is no joke either in a muscle car or lightweight hot rod. So keep that in mind when you choose how much you need, and never forget to start with a strong base and you can always build it up in power level from there.