People are always asking how quick and how fast Beer Money is, and then they ask how much power it makes. With all the No Time, No Prep racing that we’ve been doing with it, there isn’t much chance we’re going to give real ET and MPH numbers, but Peter and Lyle decided that throwing this little bastard on the chassis dyno and sharing that with all of you was a good idea. The truth is, Beer Money is no stranger to the chassis dyno and has even been on the hub dyno over at Modern Racing as well.
In this video you are going to see it strapped to the dyno at Harrell Engine and Dyno, where the car lives normally, for a dyno session to see what kind of power it is making. Remember, this is how much horsepower it is making, not what it CAN make. The ultimate power level isn’t something that Pete cares about looking for, as this little besat has been making enough power to win races with more available thanks to the keyboard.
Check it out.
Video Description:
Not how much power CAN it make, but how much power DOES it make. Let’s dyno this junk and find out.