The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Watch Todd Oden Launch His 1958 Chevy At 10,000 RPM!

The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Watch Todd Oden Launch His 1958 Chevy At 10,000 RPM!

If you did not already love the Southeast Gasser Association than this video will lock it down for you.You are about to take a ride with Todd Oden who is racing his 1958 Chevrolet called Double XX in the C/Gas category of SEGA. This car has a 283ci small block and (of course) a four speed manual transmission. The car leaves the starting line at an honest to God 10,000 RPM and it’s about the most glorious thing you have ever seen or heard. As it is leaving with all the RPM is can muster, it is also carrying the nose well about past the tree. You’ll see Oden work some steering into it when the car is still airborne before landing.

This is but one example of a show and a group of racers that continue to grow each year. Quain Stott founded the group and runs it with good people. He’s as hardcore as it comes with the technology allowed into the cars and they regularly tear people down, check displacements, and frankly he’s not afraid to tell someone to take is hike if they’re trying to slide some stuff by that isn’t kosher with the rules or the period correct nature of the environment he has fostered at SEGA.

Oden has a couple of cars that he races. This big car with the little engine falls in C/Gas but he has an A/Gas car as well. Which has a little more displacement and a lot less weight. We’re going to guess that while the big ’58 is the slower of the two cars, it has a special place in Todd’s heart because of the sheer brutality of the launches and the snotty little engine.

Press play to see Southeast Gassers Association racer Todd Oden drop the hammer!

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1 thoughts on “The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Watch Todd Oden Launch His 1958 Chevy At 10,000 RPM!

  1. Mark B. Atchison

    You guys really need to go to a Southeast Gassers event, and meet these folks, and shoot some video. Great competition, wheels in the air, and a super bunch of people.

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