Category Archive: BangShift XL, XL Online Find

This 1930 Ford Model A Rural Mail Car Is For Sale, Has Amazing History, And Even Video Of It in Action

Chances are you have seen this car on the internet before. It was “discovered” a few years ago in Montana and the guy selling it has done an incredible job accumulating the entire history...

Forget Caption This, Someone Explain This Impala/Sierra Trar To Us, Please!

I don’t even know where to start with this thing. Someone in Illinois (and I’ll assume southern Illinois until proven differently) combined a rough-but-complete Chevrolet Impala body with...

This Video Of A Ford Doing A Huge Burnout With Mattracks Is Kind Of Awesome

Lots of truck content on Ye Olde BangShifte today. Want to know why? Stop asking so many damned questions, that’s why. The man driving the truck in the video is apparently the CEO of the...

Blog War: A Return To Conventional Warfare With A Late-Model Diesel Ram Flatbed – Cummins, Manual Transmission And All

So we went way off of the deep end in the dually war…way off the deep end. That wasn’t the initial plan. To me, a good dually pickup represents my ideal of a truck: something that can...

Blog War: This 1974 Dodge Power Wagon Custom 300 Dually Is The Knock Out Blow (Again)

Fridays are pretty fun around here. It is the end of the work week and it is also the day that I once again puncture Bryan McTaggart’s blog war balloon with a sweet find that makes his look...

Greek Truck Driver Lucky To Be Alive After Container Falls On His Truck [VIDEO]

The driver of the yellow-and-green semi tractor should consider himself extremely lucky after surviving this accident on January 15, 2015. While moving containers around the Perama Container Terminal...

Blog War: This Ford C-750 Cab-Over Custom Is A Direct Shot – Better Duck, Lohnes!

Does it seem like this particular blog war is…well…not so much a war? It’s kind of hard to go to battle over Tonka trucks, because if you’re reading this site and you...

Blog War: This Is The Finest 1953 Diamond T Truck In Existence – Complete With Original Cummins Power

It is one thing when exotic or rare cars come up for sale in “survivor” status. One would expect that they’d be under excellent car because they were expensive and rare from the...

Cool Trucks Of All Shapes And Sizes From The Last Somernites Cruise! Lots Of Neat And Classic Iron

(Words and photos by Doug Gregory) – Its time for the workhorses.  I don’t think I have ever seen so many ’47-’54 Chevy pickups in one place at one time.  These things were slammed,...

Dyno Fail: This Hemi Ram Shoots It’s Driveshaft Out Like A Cannon Shot

The driveshaft is truly an underrated part of a vehicle. The amount of stress that one puts up with day to day under basic driving is a engineering marvel. A driveshaft in a heavy vehicle, such as...

Blog War: This Vintage Tonka Dually Ramp Truck Is Proof The Old Toys Really Were Better

Both McTaggart and I have gone into to “unconventional warfare” mode over this whole dually fight and I’m keeping my end of the bargain up today by lobbing this sweet, sweet vintage...

Blog War: This Vintage Tonka Mighty Wrecker Looks An Awful Lot Like Someone’s Project Vehicle…

How the hell do you argue against a vintage, all-steel Tonka toy? It’s impossible. I still have my all-steel Mighty Dump Truck I’ve had since…hell, since Regan was president,...

Blog War: No Hard Work Required With This Caddy-Powered 1953 Chevrolet Flatbed

Brian took a safe swing today with the Ford wrecker. Does it tick all of the right check marks? Of course, and it’s in decent shape to boot. While I struggle to understand how someone who...

Blog War: This 1954 Ford F600 Wrecker Has Lived In A Body Shop For Three Decades And Is Minto

So the dually blog war is in full swing now. Both Bryan and I fired our opening shots yesterday and we’re back today. Since he started off with a heavy duty truck, I’m following up with...