
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: Hack of the Week, OTHER, TECH, Tech Stories, Videos

Chop Top How-To: Walden Speed Shop Continues To Show Us How To Chop A ’32 Ford Coupe

Here is the second installment of videos from Walden Speed Shop on how to chop the top on a bitchin 1932 Ford. If you missed the first installment, use the link below to watch them first. Chopping a...

There’s Only 5 Days Until Rocky Mountain Race Week 2021! Will Alex Taylor’s 6-Second ’55 Chevy Get Done In Time?

We certainly hope so! We know the videos aren’t in real-time, but we also know that they are coming down to the wire and that means this car will likely show up completely untested. We do know...

Hand Tool Tech: How To Use A Tap And Die Set To Thread Holes And Studs, And To Make Repairs

Sometimes the most basic hand tools can be intimidating if you have never been taught how to use them. And sometimes the most complicated can be simple to use because you had someone show you how....

Edd China’s Workshop Diaries: Plumbing Shop Air, And Getting Close To Done With The Worlds Fastest Electric Ice Cream Van

Edd China’s Workshop is a pretty cool spot, with lots of great projects, but like most shops it is always in need of upgrades and updates. In this episode Edd takes some time to use Sharkbite...

The Tweedy Pie Re-creation Project Keeps On Giving. What A Lesson In Hot Rodding.

In these first two episodes on this build you got a history of the original Tweedy Pie, and then go on the hunt for parts to build the Mad Fabricator’s clone. Think of it as a homage to the great...

Chop Top How-To: Walden Speed Shop Shows How To Chop The Top On A 1932 Ford

Chopping a top is one of those things I’ve never done before, but have seen done several times and want to try. There is a lot to doing it right, and some cars and trucks are easier than...

Only Two Days In And The 5-Window Essex Coupe Build Has The Windows And Top Going Together Already!

Most of the time that I watch Halfass Kustoms on YouTube I find myself wishing I go things done as rapidly as he does. This dude is a machine and just moves forward with projects at a blinding pace...

Ever Wonder How They Custom Paint Helmets? It Isn’t Easy, But Here’s How They Do It.

I don’t know how many of you out there have painted a helmet before, but I can tell you that I tried it once using nothing but spray cans, just to see if I could. It was on a helmet that was...

Awesome, Weird, Or Hmmmm? This Paint Shaker Attachment For Your Sawzall Could Be Epic Greatness Or An Epic Fail

You ever see a tool and wonder why someone thought of it? It happens to me all the time. Sure, most tools are useful for lots of people, but there are also plenty of them that are so specific as to...

Alex Taylor’s 6 Second ’55 Chevy Project Is Coming Along, But The New Decklid Needed Some Mods!

The project is still moving right along, but there isn’t much time before it is supposed to hit the road! There has been a ton of work done already, but it isn’t ready to run just yet. That...

Lazze Metal Shaping: How To Make An Early Ford Pickup Cab Corner From Flat Sheet – Part 1

If you’ve ever looked into sheet metal shaping, then you know the name Lazze. As someone who has always wanted to take the time to learn more about metal shaping, the names Lazze and Covell are...

Find A Traffic Light At The Swap Meet? Here’s How To Restore It

I love finding all kinds of memorabilia and automotive items at the swap meet or flea market. You know, the kind of stuff that you want to put in your shop or hang on the wall in your game room or...

The Tiny Bathroom Is Going In The Car Hauler Trailer Rebuild Project. This Thing Is Going To Be Cool!

In this latest update on the trailer rebuild, Emily and Aaron are hard at work making the bathroom into a reality. They’ve put a ton of work and time into this project and have spent a fair...

$1,000 Build: This Inspiring, And Legit, F100 Build Is Close To Done And All For Less Than A Grand!

If you aren’t inspired by other folks projects, and especially those done with lots of ingenuity and creativity, then you are not our people. This is a project that definitely inspires us and...