Category Archive: BangShift XL, CRASH & BURN, RACING & ACTION, Videos, XL Spotlight, XL Videos

2024 Tractor & Truck Pulling CARNAGE! Wild Rides, Wrecks & Fires That You Have To See To Believe

We always dig the Best Of videos that come out around the new year and this one here is no different. My god there is some incredibly gnarly carnage in this one. We’re talking engine...

Dakar Rally Coverage: Check Out Action From Stages 1-4 As The Desert Shows Racers Who The Boss Really Is!

Stage 1-4 Extended Highlights are below! Hours of great DAKAR 2025 coverage! Dakar 2025 is on and man is it already living up to its reputation of being one of the toughest races in the world. Famous...

2024 Highlight Video: NHRA Shares Their Wildest Of Wild Rides From The 2024 Mission Drag Racing Series

One of the best things about New Year each year is that the previous year’s best of everything gets listed and highlighted. For us in the drag racing world, that means best wheelies, best hole...

Dirthead Dave’s Unreal Adventure Saga Continues: Part 2 Of His Unreal Adventures, On Unreal Adventure.

In the first part of Dave’s adventures in getting to Unreal Adventure, Dave had to drive this thing pretty far in order to even start the Unreal Adventure and he’s on his own and has been...

Unreal Adventure Part 6: Epic Views and Mountain Passes in Colorado Are The Perfect Backdrop For The Trails!

The Unreal Adventure has been epic so far, with great videos and stories all along the way. There is no way I can miss this one in the future, because it is just too good. In fact, I talked to Trent...

Vice Grip Garage FINALLY WON At Freedom Factory! BONUS Multi-view EXTENDED Version!

The 2.4 Hours of Le Mullets is obviously a parody of the 24 hours of Le Mans, but with way less skill, way less horsepower, and a lot more antics. It’s part Endurance Race, part NASCAR race,...

Racing for $20,000 on a SKETCHY Runway in New York Looks Fun And Terrifying All At The Same Time

A few of the coolest drag strips I’ve ever visited also happen to be pretty sketchy. That doesn’t mean I want to make a pass down them, but it also doesn’t mean I won’t. What...

Heavy Hitters, On The Streets, For Big Money: Pad Warz Did Not Disappoint!

Every time there is a big race at Da Pad, near New Orleans, I’m jealous as hell when the video comes out. I really want to make it out there for an event, but it always seems like I’m...

Stadium Super Trucks Invade Adelaide! Sideways, Three Wheels, Two Wheels, And Jumps Galore!

Stadium Super Trucks are always fun to watch and nothing says America more than seeing them hauling ass around a course normally reserved for the wine and cheese crowd. These trucks make 650 ish...

230 MPH ROLLOVER During The Wild Qualifying Day #1 At World Cup Finals 2024 Import Vs Domestics

They should call this year’s World Cup Finals the carnage nationals if Day 1 is any indication of what is to come. If you watch the video, or any of the posts on social media, it seems like...

Street Racing in the Mojave Desert! California Cash Days Are Something Special And A Lead In To Great Winter Racing!

Street Racing in SoCal is a little different than some places. Not all of it, of course, but some. That’s because of the landscape of southern California. We’re talking some of the most...

The Bitter End: This Video Of Chrysler Turbine Cars Being Destroyed Is Hard To Watch

A while back I posted a video of a1960s Chrysler turbine car being road tested at the Chrysler proving grounds. The video was cool because we saw the car hauling around the track and rip roaring over...

Historic Video: Don Garlits’ Other Blow Over Came Out Of Nowhere In Spokane, Washington Circa 1987

It was June 12th 1986 when Don Garlits first experienced a top fuel blow over. That iconic moment and the images/videos that flowed from it are well documented in the annals of drag racing. Far fewer...

Engine Hell Video: This Compilation Of Demo Derby Engines Getting Worked Is Wild

When it comes to motorsports that most people take recreationally and a handful take very seriously, demolition derby may be at the top of the heap. Anyone can buy a crummy car, gut the interior and...