
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShifters Join Up To Remember Ray Brady and To Help Fight ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease

BangShifters Join Up To Remember Ray Brady and To Help Fight ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease

We never need to be reminded just how cool, tight knit, and thoughtful the BangShift community is. Chad and I always take a ton of pleasure in meeting the people who read the site, hang out in our forums, and participate in many of the events the two of us find ourselves at. A clear example of how fantastic this group of people really is came to light recently out of the sad passing of BangShifter Ray Brady. Brady fought a long and brave fight against ALS/Lou Gherig’s disease and his spirit made a huge impact on everyone that met and got to know him. Ray was a Power Tour guy and we have a huge number of Power Tour participants that spend the 51-weeks a year they’re not on Power Tour in our forums. When word spread that Ray’s battle with ALS had ended, BS member and all around swell dude Ed went into action.

Ed asked our permission to use the BangShift name and logo in order to set up Team BangShift on the ALS Association’s website. This is a place where you can make a donation to help fight this terrible disease that robs gearheads like us of our most precious tools which are our strength, and use of our hands, arms, etc. People suffering from ALS are mentally capable and literally become prisoners in their own body. The ALS Association and groups like them do important work to raise funds and awareness about the disease to further medical research in the hopes of someday eliminating this scourge.

We’re simply putting the word out about the great stuff that these BangShift members have done for their fallen friend. We’ll provide the link below if you are inclined to make a donation on behalf of Ray’s memory to help fight ALS.

There’s lots of negative stuff and weirdness on the internet, but there’s also a lot of fantastic communities like the BangShift forums where people from all over the world forge lifelong friendships and bonds that were never possible before places like BS existed. Both Chad and I are incredibly proud and impressed with how large our “family” has become and it continues to grow each day with great people like Ed and his ilk that will be remembering Ray Brady on Power 2013 and for many years to come.


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1 thoughts on “BangShifters Join Up To Remember Ray Brady and To Help Fight ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease

  1. jack pine

    Chad – don’t forget John Glorioso… same story as Ed’s, however John is still duking it out with ALS. Chad showed pictures of John doing a ‘burnout’ in his chair on Norm Brandes’ dyno… either way, ALS hits men way more often than women and it is an awful thing to watch when it takes down someone you love and respect.

    John is still alive in a hospital in Houston

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