Cameras are nothing new to law enforcement in England, in fact, they’re everywhere. The Brits use them for police work, traffic enforcement, and whatever else they can think up. Thus far they have all been ground-based cameras. According to a story we were tipped on, space satellite cameras are now being tested and could be generating speeding tickets in no time flat.
The company that designed and manages this system is based in Tennessee and operates under the name PIPS Technology. That fact makes us think that they’re actively pitching this idea here in the USA. You can guess our feelings on that. In case you can’t, we think it is frightening and it sucks.
The name of the system is “SpeedSpike” and the company claims that it can read license plate numbers (from space remember) at any time of day or night and in any weather condition, 24 hours a day.
We don’t think speeding is a good idea, we think street racing is completely awful and endangers the lives of innocent people, but this type of “big brother” stuff scares the crap out of us. Here’s hoping it goes nowhere or the satellite falls into the ocean.
Thanks for the tip, Tony!
Source — — Future Speeding Tickets May Come From Space