BangShifter John Gatliff send us the photo you’ll see in large form after the jump and it struck us as funny for a couple reasons. The first, of course is because Chad’s mouth is closed. Going from there, the generally sullen nature of all the dudes in the shot is kind of weird. Most Drag Week photos that hit the airwaves show people smiling, laughing, and bantering about, even in the midst of transmission fluid puddles, fire, and all other manner of automotive catastrophies.
Have they bowed their heads in defference a Drag Week deity? Did Larry Larson walk by, flash them a smile and unknowingly break their spirits? Is Joe Barry’s awesome ’56 Chevy actually talking to them? What’s going on and what’s being said in this photo? You tell us!
Caption this photo!
This is just crap!That Larson guy treats us like the Yankey’s treat the Red Sox.
All the cars are parked, the hoods are up and we have no beer. Sad.
Or Larry Larson always wins so why do we bother?
Just found out that Amarillo will be a track on DW for the next 5 years…..
I dunno, but Chad has his thumb on the Bang Shift moped’s escape button.
Larry Larson just ran off with some strippera and all money
“We’ll now hold a moment of silence for our chance of beating Larson…bow your head, please..”
I can’t believe that rear engine 63 Fairlane kick our ass.
“I can’t believe we lost to a Toyota”
… and then Joe suggested that they use the ice from the BEER chest to top off the intercooler.
Shoulda used one of those 2JZE things